Free eBook: Top-Down Customer Discovery – Uncovering THE BIG WHY

I published this eBook to highlight the number one goal of customer discovery!
It’s to make sure the products and services you’re building, marketing, selling and delivering are consistently tied to something that has measurable strategic value to your customers. That’s why the top-down aspect of customer discovery is so critical to success and why it’s highlighted in this book.
There’ve been quite a few books published on customer and prospect discovery and each of them have a unique perspective with valuable takeaways. But the one thing they’re all missing is the emphasis on strategic customer priorities and the impact on areas where your products are relevant. None of them connect the dots!
Customer discovery practices in general are far too focused on uncovering tactical problems with little or no focus on outcomes and their ripple effect higher up in the customer organization. It begs the question, how do you know you’re targeting the right problems if the desired customer outcomes aren’t front and center in the discussion?
You’ll enjoy this book as it takes you through the importance of top-down customer discovery, the definition of THE BIG WHY, and how both help you consistently uncover opportunities for quantifiable strategic value across the board.
It’s loaded with helpful content for product management, product marketing, sales, customer on-boarding and customer success teams, complete with simple but powerful graphics and short video clips that tell the whole story.
We all want the same thing…to make sure our products, marketing messages, sales dialogues, onboarding efforts and account management practices consistently maintain a high relevance factor to the strategic priorities of our customers. It’s the key to acquiring and keeping profitable customers for life!
Click here if you want to experience the easiest way to learn product management, product marketing, pre-sales demos and customer success with our unique hands-on learning format. Be sure to check out our Product Management Framework that simplifies everything by making customer outcomes the starting point for building, marketing, selling and delivering strategic value.
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by John Mansour on May 11, 2023.