From Whims to Wins
How a Customer-Centric Portfolio Strategy Transforms Product Strategy
You know that sinking feeling. You’ve come up with a winning product strategy, everyone’s on board and energized, and you’re halfway down the path to execution only to have it submarined by something someone convinced your leadership was more strategic!
It’s a scenario that’s all too familiar, and it exemplifies one of the biggest struggles with individual product strategies. It’s too easy for something else that portends to be more strategic to leapfrog your plan, and there are never any consequences if the person who made the change was wrong. The ripple effect of the stop and restart can be completely demoralizing to your team, especially when it happens routinely.
In this webinar, you’ll learn what a customer-facing portfolio strategy looks like, why it has a stronger foundation, and how it protects your product priorities from changing on a whim!
Recorded 11/15/2023

I'm a New Product Manager With No Experience!
Your First 5 To-Do's
You've somehow landed in a product manager job and have no experience or formal training. You're completely overwhelmed, drinking from the firehose! What do you do first?
Don't worry, we've got you covered.

Join Jackie Flake, Founder of Option 1 Partners, and John Mansour, Founder & President of Product Management University, for a webinar designed exclusively for new product managers like you!
In this interactive session, we'll walk you through our journey into product management and the first 5 essential tasks you should tackle first as a new product manager. But there's a twist!
While Jackie and John agree on the first two and the last one, they have different opinions on 3-4! That's good for you because you'll get a Top 7 List!
Recorded 11/09/2023

Product Roadmaps The Forgotten Part
It's Taking You Nowhere Faster!
Think of your roadmaps, backlogs and sprints as a very specific set of turn-by-turn directions. For the most part, your teams can execute those directions very well. There’s only one problem, and it’s a big one.
Where are you supposed to end up? What’s the destination? How will you know when you’ve arrived? Is it OK to just keep on driving?

Allison Maddock, Chief Product Officer at CSI responsible for 7 major product lines, Scott Craig, SVP of Strategy & Product at SoftDocs, and John Mansour, President of Product Management University, will discuss the ripple effects, good and bad, of having or not having a strong product vision and strategy (the destination) to drive your roadmaps and backlogs and how to get back on course to a highly desirable destination.
Recorded 09/21/2023

Customer Success: Making the Shift From Tactical to Strategic in 3 Steps!
Leading Strategically vs. Reacting Tactically
There's a good reason your title changed from account manager to customer success manager. You're no longer just the tactical laundry list manager. In this training seminar, you'll learn how to lead your customers strategically to where they ultimately want to go with your products, quantify their success and continue delivering value with additional products and services.
Instructor: John Mansour
Customer Success Seminar Takeaways
- How to get routine access to senior managers and executives.
- How to facilitate a strategic planning meeting.
- A customer outcome approach for quantifying product success.
Recorded 03/23/2023

Improving Sprint Execution & Product Usability in One Fell Swoop!
Your Feeder Systems Need More Muscle
Your agile process is good enough. It's your feeder systems that need more muscle! In this training seminar, you'll learn how to strengthen the most critical starting point so that that your themes, epics, user stories, sprints and product design get off on the right foot with no looking back.
Instructors: John Mansour and Hali Jewell
Product Management Seminar Takeaways
- A customer outcome approach to simplifying your themes, epics and stories.
- The missing element in your user stories that will simplify product design.
- A template for writing epics that sets everyone up for success.
Recorded 02/02/2023

Using a Customer Outcome Model!
Simplify Product Management, Product Marketing, Sales & Customer Success
The flattening economy or threat of a recession can force your target customers into do-nothing mode, and that's bad news for everyone.
Learn what a customer-outcome model is, why it's easier than anything you're doing now, and how product management, product marketing and sales can use it to meet the down economy head on, uncover new value opportunities and still drive growth.
Instructor: John Mansour
Seminar Takeaways
- The Customer Outcome Framework.
- The B2B definition of customer.
- Starting with problems vs. outcomes and the ripple effect.
Recorded 01/04/2023